After taking a few deep breaths I finally knocked on the door and waited for command.
"Come in," my father's voice came and I slowly opened the door . " Jaanu, since when did you start knocking on the door?
Letting out a nervous chuckle I moved forward and took a seat in front of him. Usually I would barge in without any warning but today I didn't have that privilege as I wanted to be in his good books. In short I wanted something from him so I had no option but to behave like an obedient daughter.
"Baba, can I go out today?" I fiddled with my dupatta while taking the permission.
" To the beach, shopping , then eating. Or maybe first eating then shopping," I rambled.
He stared at me, maybe to ask if I was being serious or just joking. I gave him a cute smile which can melt anyone's heart but he shook his head," No, Princess. It's not safe right now. "
When is it ever safe? I wanted to ask.
"Baba please. You know I finally got the permission letter, you didn't even give me any gift. Just allow me to go out for a day as a gift. "
"Fine," he sighed, making me smile but he pointed his finger before I could say anything. " But I've two conditions?"
Stomping my hands on the table I got up and glared at him. " What kind of fatherly behaviour is this? Whenever your daughter wants something from you she has to sacrifice in return. This is not fair. "
" This world is not fair," he commented and glared back at me. " And you need to learn how to live in this unfair world. "
" How will I learn if you don't let me fly on my own?"
" I'm letting you fly," he argued, earning a sigh from me. " I'm just putting a safety net on the ground so that you don't get hurt if you fall. "
" What are your conditions?" I asked, having no other option but to obey him.
"You'll listen to Raghav throughout the day, I don't want any complaints," the first one seemed easy and I waited for his second condition. "And I have selected another guy whom you'll go on a date with."
" Date? Again? Baba, what is this?" I groaned even though I knew since the party that this was coming.
" It's your choice," he shrugged and went back to reading his book.
I narrowed my eyes at his tactics, one way or another he's going to make go for that date. It's better if I enjoy today.
"What?! I'm halfway through the beach and you're telling me now that you can't come!!"I shouted on the phone, making both Raghav who is driving beside me and Shravani on the other side of the phone hiss. " I didn't even bring my baby with me because you told me so. "
Shravani promised that she'll spend the entire day with me. That's why I agreed to my father's condition but she's going out with Abhinav. I knew that there will be a point when she'll prioritise Abhinav over me but it still hurts, my friend doesn't have a day for me.
"Jaanki, it's his graduation day. He's finally becoming a doctor. I don't want him to be alone," Shravani pleaded.
"And what about me?" My voice cracked a little and from the corner of my eyes I saw Raghav getting stiff. "You know what? Let it be. I'll just enjoy my day all alone. You enjoy it with your partner."
Without waiting for her reply I ended the call and threw to the back seat after switching off.
I placed my head on the window and took deep breaths. It only took me a few minutes to realise how immature I was. Shravani didn't deserve how I talked with her. She has been with me for more than a decade but now that she's been a little away from me I'm getting jealous. She really deserves a better friend than me.
The car stopped and I noticed it's the same restaurant where we ate after my horrible first date. I looked at Raghav but he was already out, opening the door for me.
"Why are we here?" I asked as we walked inside and took the same table as the last time near the corner.
"To lift your mood", he replied shortly and gave the order. " Two plates of Kachori with two lassi ''.
Not knowing what to say I just placed my chin on my palm and looked outside at the road where vehicles were going.
"You don't have to depend on others for your happiness." His voice broke my sad string of thoughts.
I kept looking out as I knew I would cry out and if I tried to speak. Thankfully he didn't say anything. Instead I heard screeching of his chair followed by the chair beside me and the scent of his perfume reached me. He rubbed his thumb over my hand to calm me, I don't know why I was suddenly feeling so emotional.
Our food came shortly and I immediately started eating without waiting for him. He didn't even bother to touch his plate and kept looking at me, softly placing the hair behind my ear that was irritating me. After noticing that he was making no move towards his plate I grabbed it and started eating it too.
It took me just 10 minutes to complete everything along with drinks. There was no need for me to look in the mirror to see that my mouth was covered with food but I didn't care about any of that. Falling back on my chair I let out a burp.
Raghav took some wipes and wiped my mouth, my blush deepened but I made no move to stop him. The mess was already done.
"I'm sorry. I ate your food." I finally stared straight into his eyes.
"That's the least of my worries right now,"he rubbed his thumb over my jaw. " Are you better now?"
I nodded my head slowly, it wasn't a lie. I was really feeling good after having some food. Whoever said this is a genius, that food is the solution to 90% of our problems.
"You still want to go to beach?" he asked , I thought about it and then nodded my head. "Then let's go."
Taking my hand in his we moved towards the car and he started driving. Removing my phone from my purse the first thing I did was to call Shravani and apologise. Like I expected she was crying and was really upset with me but after pleading to her for 20 minutes she finally forgave me.
" What's your insta ID?" I asked him casually like I hadn't been searching for it for the past week. But unfortunately I couldn't find it because I didn't even know his last name.
" I don't use it," he replied.
" Really? Then Snapchat? Twitter? Anything? Are you serious? You don't use any of those app?"
He laughed and shook his head before removing something from his front pocket. " This is my phone. The only one that I use for calling and receiving calls and clicking photos sometimes. "
Both my eyes and mouth went wide as I took his phone in my hand and stared at that antic piece.
" Even my baba doesn't use phone like this," I chuckled as I checked through his phone. There were only a couple of numbers saved, going through the gallery I found it filled with some scenery photos and nothing special. " Why do you use this button phone?"
" Just," he shrugged. " I don't feel like spending so much money on the phone. "
I nodded approval and placed it on the front and took my phone.
" Wait! What was that?" He asked, pointing at my phone. "Why is my photo on your wallpaper?"
Turning my phone I stared at the wallpaper which was a photo of Raghav playing with Guddu in the garden, both of them beaming, completely unaware about my presence.
" It's because Guddu looks good in it. "
" And I don't look good?"
" I never said that," I mumbled and thankfully he didn't say anything further.
As we reached the beach a smile formed on my lips looking at the deep ocean. There were only few people so it would be easy for me to roam without hiding.
My hair was flying all around me, I took a scrunchy out of my bag and pulled my hair into a bun. Raghav looked like he wanted to say something but then stopped midway instead he took my hand and started walking the other way.
"Where are you taking me?"
"We're going shopping, Princess" that's all he said.
I looked at our hands joined together, his hand was so big and rough compared to mine. I always thought my hands were long but his engulfed mine completely, making it feel small and delicate.
His grip wasn't tight or uncomfortable, it was gentle and soothing, I gripped his hand and almost sighed at how perfect it felt.
After a few minutes we stopped at the local market, there were various shops of clothes, accessories and food. The food looked tempting but my stomach was already full so I started looking around at other things.
"You should buy some casual t-shirt and shorts to swim," he suggested pointing at the shop ahead of us but I shook my head.
" I don't wear those kinds of clothes."
He frowned while swinging our hands gently," Why? That reminds me I've never seen you in anything other than Indian wear. Is there any particular reason behind it?"
" Because I feel more comfortable in Indian wear," I answered but he didn't look satisfied with my answer. " Before you ask, no, it's not Satviki community's stupid rule, it's just that I don't feel comfortable in those kind of clothes. "
He stopped on his feet and turned to face me completely, a wave of concern passed through his eyes.
" Has something happened in the past with you? Is that why you don't wear shorts?"
I couldn't help but laugh at the theory he made in his mind in just a few minutes. This man has a wild thinking process.
" No, nothing like that has happened. It's appropriate to say that I come in the category of a woman who has never been treated in any inappropriate manner. So, you can calm down. " He finally released a sigh, making my smile widen. " There is no particular reason behind that. Shravani wears jeans all the time and makes me wear them too but I just feel more comfortable in Indian wear. But I do dress up in western wear occasionally. "
Our talks and shopping went on for half an hour after that he moved towards the place where accessories were being sold. My eyes fell on a shop where cute bracelets were placed, we both started finding the perfect one.
" How this one?" He showed me a pair of pink and brown bracelet, a smile immediately appeared on my face. " We want this one. "
" It'll be 200. "
Raghav turned towards me," Pay the price, Princess. "
I tilted my head and teased," Aren't men supposed to pay for women?"
He gasped and looked at me," I'm a feminist, Princess. I believe in equality. I paid for food you pay for bracelets. And you're richer than me, you're suppose to spoil me. "
Shaking my head I payed for them, I couldn't help but smile at his words. This man never amazes to surprise me. Just when I think I'm starting to understand him he does something like this.
Taking my hand he wrapped the cute bracelet around my wrist before putting the similar one in his. As he took my hand in his and stared at it.
" We do look like a couple, don't we?"
I immediately swatted his hand," Don't get wrong ideas, Mr. Raghav. You'll end up getting heartbroken. "
For the first time he didn't try to pull me back but his words fell on my ear. " The same applies to you, Princess. Beware of this Wolf otherwise he'll leave you heartbroken. "
The feeling of waves made me feel thrilled. I just opened my arms and enjoyed the cool breeze. After so long I have been here, I wanted to enjoy this moment to fullest.
At this moment I wanted to forget about everything- my father, my future, my dreams and everything else.
My life has been controlled by so many people that it be loose my own identity. When I was young I felt blessed after knowing that I was Princess. I thought my life would beautiful like all those fairytales. That I'll be able to travel wherever I want. There would be no one stopping me from doing anything. I was a Princess everyone should listen to me not the other way right? But after a few years I started realising how stupid I was.
Everybody started taking charge of my life whether it be my father , our society or media. It almost felt like suffocating at one point, wherever I went the media followed me . It was horrible as I felt like getting stalked. I remember that I almost got kidnapped when I was a kid and that's why Baba got even more protective of me.
I knew I wasn't the only girl going through all of these, there are many princesses and their lives are worse than me. I've met them, seen how they're treated and only because of that I was grateful that I have my Baba with me.
Not only Baba but I also had Shravani and most importantly the kids at orphanage. They provided me the happiness that many people were deprived of.
There are moments when I feel all alone. Like right now. But I kept reminding myself that I've got to get used to it, there are going to be moments when no one will be there to support me and I'll have to be by myself.
I didn't realise how much time passed as I stood there when I felt a pair of hand wraps around my body. He pulled me back into his warm body and that's when I noticed how cold it was.
His warm breath tickled on my face and I could feel his gaze on me. I just placed my hand on his hoping that he wouldn't withdraw his hand . I didn't know how much I needed someone to hold me until now.
My head fell on his chest and I closed my eyes, I just started taking in the feeling around me. He didn't say anything just tighten his arms around me.
"Are you ok?" he asked. His voice was soft, softer than normal. And for once I didn't lie, I shook my head in reply. "Do you want to eat something?"
I nodded my head but when he tried to pull back I didn't let him. I was too comfortable in his embrace. I just didn't want to leave.
"No," I mumbled when he tried to turn me around. But he did it anyway. He took my face in his hand and rubbed his thumb over my cold cheeks.
"You'll catch cold," he said sternly and grabbed my hand. Taking his hand I sat down on the sand and motioned him to sit beside me. But instead he sat behind me and wrapped his hand around my body protecting me from the cold weather.
Staring at back I eyed his face, it looked even more beautiful in bright moonlight. The shine fell on his cheekbones making him look divine. Again I stared complaining to God for making him this gorgeous, he really gave him extra elements. On top of that there was not a single mark on his face, not even an ache mark.
" What's your skin care routine?"
" That's a secret," he whispered into my ear. " And staring is rude, princess."
I smiled and continued to look at him. Not being able to look away .
"I don't know anything about you," I finally said the thing which was annoying me so much.
His eyes turned towards me," You never asked me."
"I know the things you mentioned in your bio data but other than that you're a mystery to me. What's your backstory?"
"There is nothing much to know," he shrugged. "Just a boring sob story."
I leaned more into his chest ," I want to know".
He smiled at me and then looked ahead as he started narrating his story.
"I was seven when my parents died",my heartbeat stopped at those words. I didn't really expect him to be so blunt. "I don't really remember much before that but I knew that they were great parents. They loved me alot. After that I stayed in orphanage. Till I was 18 that's when I got out and started working. And that's all."
His grey eyes told me that it wasn't all, he was hiding something from me but I didn't push. Right now this much information was enough for me.
I thought he would just ignore my question or not answer it but he did. And that's all I need for now. Maybe in future if he can trust me then I'll know more about him.
" You also lost your mother," he said to me. I turned my head towards the wave as he rubbed my arms. " Do you miss her?"
I shook my head with a sad smile," How do I miss a person that I don't even know? "
" Do you feel bad for not having a mother like others?"
" As a kid I used to cry to my Baba to give me a mom," I chuckled remembering those incidents. " Then in return he asked me why I needed a mom, so I told him everything my friends used to tell me and then he did all of them for me. He fulfilled all my wish not just as a father but also as a mother. "
" Mr. Jadeja is a great father. "
" My Baba is the best father," I corrected.
" I'm gonna get that title one day," his eyes sparkled while saying those words.
" Are you threatening?" I narrowed my eyes.
" That's a promise, Jaan. " He kissed my nose.
That's when a question came into my mind, I stared back at him and found him looking at the ocean. My lips parted as I saw the magnificent look in front of me.
Those grey eyes were shining like the most beautiful stars. The reflection of the entire sky was visible in those orbs and in my entire life I've never seen sky looking this beautiful ever. His eyes made the sky seem even more marvelous.
This man is a masterpiece.
" Princess, you're again staring," he continued to look ahead.
" I can't help," my voice came out smaller than usual and the corner of his lips lifted into a smirk, I cleared my throat before changing the subject. " You told me that your wardrobe only has three colour- Black, blue and grey. Tell me that long story you promised you'll. "
" I never promised anything," he corrected and I tried to pull away but he stopped me. " But I'll tell you. " I leaned back and waited for him to continue. " There is a culture in our family where if your family member or anyone close to you dies you don't wear colourful clothes till your grief has ended. "
" So you're still grieving?" He nodded with a small smile. " So when will you start wearing colourful clothes again?"
" When I'm over the pain," his hands tightened around me as a wave of cold air passed through us and made me shiver.
" I hope your pain ends soon," I whispered and placed a hand over his cheek.
He turned towards me and stared into my eyes, " me too, princess. "
A smile came on my lips, that proves that he still hasn't given up. His own lips curled into a soft smile and again I couldn't take my eyes away from those soft lips. Slowly my jealousy for his lips was turning into something else, something really bad.
Leaning closer I placed a small kiss on his bottom lip to see if they were just as soft as they looked. But before I could pull away he grabbed the back of my neck and moulded his lips into mine.
Putting my hand on his chest I tried to push him but he didn't budge instead he grabbed my waist and pulled me flushing into him. I moaned as his body rubbed against mine and the strongest shiver passed through my body.
" Raghav," I moaned against his lips.
He pulled and placed his forehead against mine," Remember this, Princess," his breath was heavy just like mine as he whispered those words against mine. " You started this and now I'll make sure to never end it. "
My mind was fogged with the tingling so I didn't even try to understand what he was saying before I could come into my senses he again titled his lips and moved against mine.
I was having my first kiss. With my bodyguard. And I wasn't regretting it.
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