After days I finally got to pray in the temple, now that periods were over I could comfortably go anywhere I want. Not that period could stop me but my father gets extra protective over my health whenever I get my periods and I'm guilty for that but I really love that princess treatment. Since I joined the NGO I have been getting less time to spend with him so I really don't want to miss any special moments that I get to live with my father.
For a few days I have been doing all my work from home. The best thing about it is that I get to spend more time with my baby boy. I keep feeling guilty because I can't give enough time to him and Baba. But I'll find a way to make it up for them.
I thought that Raghav would leave me alone if I stayed at home but I was wrong. Even when I was in my room he stayed there and stared at me and guddu playing with those weird emotions.
" JJ! I'm here!"
" Finally!" I let out an exaggerated sigh and got up along with Guddu. " Why are you smiling like this?"
" I've a surprise for you," she beamed brightly.
" What surprise?!" I got excited and couldn't control the smile that spreaded on my face.
Instead of replying she took my hand and moved towards the garden. I followed her while constantly asking about the surprise but she refused to answer. We stopped at the entrance of the garden where someone was waiting for us.
He looked around the same age as us with average looks. The moment that thought passed through my mind I scolded myself for being so judgy. But when you've a man like Raghav around you everyday then everyone else just looks. . . Average.
Raghav is not that handsome. I argued against my own heart.
Of course. My own heart rolled eyes at me.
" Jaanki, this is Abhinav and Abhinav this is Jaanki," Shravani introduced us.
" Abhinav who?" I nudged her.
She glanced at him shyly before whispering in my ear," The guy I told you about. "
The memory of our talk hit me and my y mouth formed an 'o' as I turned towards him and smiled.
" Hello Abhinav, SS told me a lot about you," I eyed her while telling that.
" Good things I hope," he chuckled and her blush deepened. She has already fallen hard for him. " Shravani keeps talking about you all the time, it feels like you're my rival."
I laughed and shook my head. " No no, I'm rooting for you guys. "
Raghav's POV
"Omkaar wants to meet you. " Laksh informed me.
I placed the phone between my shoulder and ear while wearing socks.
" Did you tell him that I can't meet him? And why does he even want that?"
" You think I didn't," he replied. " I told him that Wolf doesn't meet with anyone, he just talks with messages but that guy is stubborn. He told me clearly that he'll only help us if you personally meet him. Face to face otherwise he'll be out of the plan. "
I stared up and glared at God, he just has to create new problems. Finally I relaxed as I thought that Omkaar Thakur has joined us so everything will go smoothly but he has to be problematic.
" Try to convince him more. Otherwise. . . "
" Otherwise what? " Laksh asked in disbelief. " Will you meet him?"
" You know how much we need him. If that's the last option then. . . " I released a sigh and looked at the plain wall in front of me. " I'll meet him. "
" Are you sure you want to reveal your identity?"
" I'll have to come out of my shadow someday. I can't be Wolf for my entire life. "
" I know but isn't it too early? And we can't trust Omkaar yet. "
" I know that's why we need to be sure if Omkaar is really on our side or he's just fooling us. Then we'll think about our next step," I ended the call and walked out to meet my lovely Princess.
My lips curled upwards as I thought about her, due to her periods she has been very crampy for a few days. She tried to distance herself from me. I scoffed at her stupid idea like she can do that. I grimace thinking about the pain she was going through that other day, the day after the party, I thought the hot bag and the chocolates would help but I guess she needed something else.
I did my research on the internet and they told that hot bag and chocolates would help. It was also mentioned that some massages and cuddles will provide emotional support. The idea of cuddling with her made me smile but it disappeared the next second because there is no way she'll accept my cuddles.
Now that her periods are over she must be praying in the temple. While whistling casually I walked towards the garden looking for her.
Instead of her, her baby boy came towards me. I scooped him in my arm and scratched his ear.
" How are you, Guddu?"
In response he gave me a cute bark, I chuckled and patted his head.
" Where is your mom?" He jumped from my arm and started running towards the garden. I followed him and saw her sitting on a bench, smiling widely.
A smile mirrored on my face but in seconds it turned into scowl as the person beside her caught my attention. She was smiling at another man, talking with another man, sitting just inches away from another man.
" Guddu, is your mother looking for another daddy for you?"
The little boy just tilted his head adorably and stared at me. My palm curled into a fist as that man placed his hand over her knee.
That was fucking inappropriate.
" Move. Your. Hand. " I shouted at that person.
Both Jaanki and that bastard flinched and moved away from each other, I took closer to them and like an obedient boy Guddu followed me.
" Who. Are. You?" I gritted my teeth and stepped closer to him but Jaanki came between us.
" He's Abhinav, he's not a threat, you don't need to worry about him. So please leave us alone. "
Like hell, I'll leave them alone.
" No. "
" What do you mean no?"
" No means no," I shrugged. " I don't trust him so I won't leave you alone with him. "
" Are you serious, Raghav?"
I crossed my arms to show her how much serious I was. She glared at me before turning towards that man.
" I'm so sorry, Abhinav. You know how the bodyguards are please don't mind him. "
I hate it. I hated how sweetly she was talking to him. He wasn't worthy of it, he didn't deserve her sweet words or even her presence. He shouldn't be standing this close to her. No man is allowed to stand this close to her.
" I'm back. " She finally stopped smiling as Shravani appeared. Shravani walked closer to that man and caught his arm in hers. " Whatever she said to you, don't believe it. She has a habit of insulting me. "
Abhinav chuckled and wrapped his arm around Shravani," She was threatening me to treat you like a princess otherwise she'll kill me. "
Shravani narrowed her eyes at Jaanki," Did you threatened my boyfriend?"
This man is her boyfriend. I turned towards Jaanki but she was looking ahead at them ignoring my gaze. I took a step closer to her to get her attention but she went on ignoring me.
" Of course, I'll threaten him. I'm your best friends that's the least I could do for you," she then turned towards Abhinav and said. " And don't think I'm giving petty threats. I can do those things if you ever hurt her. "
His face went pale and I couldn't help but smile proudly at my princess' words. She really knows how to bring any men to their feet. And now finally she was glaring at me with those big and beautiful black eyes and a little scary too.
Fuck, I'm in trouble.
Jaanki's POV
"Princess. "
Ignoring his call I kept taking furious steps away from him.
" Jaan. "
I clenched my jaw at his nickname but still didn't stop. He's doing this to get my attention but I won't give in. Not this time.
" Guddu ki Mummy. "
Halting on my steps I pulled guddu closer to me. But still didn't turn, he took his clue and huffed loudly.
" I was trying to keep you safe. "
I ignored him completely and kept playing with my baby boy as I walked upstairs.I had absolutely no intention of talking to him right now but he wasn't going to leave me anytime soon so ignoring him was the only thing I could do.
For the first time, I thought he was different from all the other bodyguards. He was giving me space and independence I always wanted, he was behaving like a friend with me. I was genuinely feeling closer to him. But he just had to ruin everything.
Since the past few days I kept telling him that he doesn't need to follow me inside the palace but he still does. And that was fine but what he just did was too much. He was unnecessarily rude to Abhinav. Without even knowing who he is, Raghav just shouted at him.I can't believe what my best friend's boyfriend must be thinking about me.
I just hope he doesn't tell Shravani to stay away from me.
Raghav thinks he's doing his duty but sometimes he needs to understand his limit. He can't go all alpha mode whenever he wants, not in front of me. I'm not going to tolerate his dominating nature.
"Jaan, talk to me."
My emotions wavered at that name but I immediately composed myself and entered the room, I tried to slam the door right on his face but he stopped me effortlessly.
"Apologise to Abhinav, then I'll talk to you", I demanded.
His eyebrows caressed slightly as if I was talking in some foreign language.
"Why would I do that?"
I placed guddu on the floor and groaned in frustration at the audacity of this man, is he arrogant or stupid? I can't differentiate at this movement.
"You just can't behave like that to anyone," I said in disbelief. It seemed like it was normal for him to just shout at anyone and not care.
Has he ever apologised?
" Fine," I sighed and sat at my study table. " Do whatever you want. "
Opening my laptop I started reading all the emails to distract myself from him. From the corner of my eyes I felt him approaching me but then he changed his direction and went towards Guddu. Through the mirror on my side I saw him playing with Guddu with a frown on his face.
Shaking my head I directed my attention to the laptop. One particular email caught my eye, could it be?
My heart beat increased at the possibility of it and with my shaky fingers I opened it. My palm started getting creasy as I read the content of the email. Both my hands came over my mouth as I stared at that email, reading it again and again to see if I read it right.
After reading it for the 5th time I finally made the conclusion that it was true and not some dream.
"Ahh!!" All my emotions finally came out like a volcano, threatening both the boys on my right.
Within a second he was beside me, grabbing me by arm, he pulled me to my full height and checked my whole body from head to toe.
"What happened?" he placed a hand on my cheek and with worry filled eyes examined my face.
Instead of answering him I lunged myself on him and wrapped my hands around his shoulder tightly. My feet dangled above the ground as his arm came over my waist and he lifted me. The comfort I got by the hug was unexplainable.
The smell of his cologne made me close my eyes and live this moment. Without saying anything I just tightened my arm and clutched his shirt in my fist. In response he rubbed my back and took deep breaths.
I watched as Guddu stared at us, I gave him a soft smile and he went out of the door leaving us alone.
"You're scaring me, Princess," his soft voice broke my thoughts . He placed me on my feet and cupped my face to make me look at him.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction, with so much concern painted over his face he looked really cute. Not liking my reaction he tightened his arm around me playfully. I pursed my lips and smiled.
" I got the offical letter from government to shift the children to orphanage ," I announced to him the reason for my happiness. "I can't believe it, I thought it'll take maybe few more months and maybe many more meetings but it's happening so soon."
His head back and he sighed, without saying anything he just shook his head and turned away from me. All my happiness turned into disappointment in two seconds. My smile vanished and I couldn't help but feel like crying.
Maybe it's not that big deal. Just because it matters to me doesn't mean it has to be important for everyone. It's fine if it means nothing to him. It's fine if my achievements have no value to him. It's fine.
Then why does my heart ache so badly? Was I expecting praises from him?
You are stupid, Jaanki. You shouldn't get your hopes so high. It doesn't matter to Raghav. Your deal means nothing to him. End of the discussion. Don't cry like a little girl.
Just as the tears were forming in the back of my eyes he turned in a swift motion and pulled me back into his chest, my breath got caught in the throat at the sudden movement.
The realisation finally sinked into my brain, I was so caught up in my happiness that I didn't notice what I was doing. He is my bodyguard, the person I have known for less than a month. I shouldn't be hugging him or sharing my happiness with him or expecting appreciation from him. Most importantly I shouldn't be feeling this comfortable or safe while hugging him.
Raghav isn't supposed to behave like this with me. This is inappropriate and wrong. I should push him away and distance myself from him. I'm a Princess and I can't jump into anyone's arms. But Raghav is not just anyone. He's. . . My Bodyguard.
Closing my eyes I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and decided to let my emotions make a decision. For once I let my heart win over the brain.
"You're crazy," he mumbled into my ear. Getting offended by his words I tried to pull back but he didn't let me move more than a few millimetres. " For a moment I thought something bad happened to you. You fucking scared me, Princess."
My face softened at his soft voice and I melted into his arms. I couldn't help but tease him," Why? Were you worried that you'll lose your job?"
Pulling away he stared straight into eyes and placed a wavy strand behind my ear. My blush deepened as he rubbed his thumb over my cheek and shivers ran through my entire body. I prayed that he couldn't sense the things happening to me.
" Princess If I was worried about losing my job. . ." He pulled me closer with the hand that was laying on my waist and I let out a gasp at the closeness. " then I wouldn't have you in my arms like this. "
Gulping hard I took steps away from him with my pink cheeks, he let me go but the smirk rose on his lips. He stood there placing both his hands inside the pocket and gazed at my flustered face.
Turning back , I sat on the chair and started typing a thank you mail while trying my best to stop my hands from shaking.
Through the screen of my laptop I saw him staring at me. His head was tilted slightly as he gazed at my back. My body immediately stiffened as the heated gaze kept lingering all over my body.
I typed a few words and again got distracted by those grey orbs painted on the screen. Clearing my throat I again focused on the white screen but no matter how hard I tried my eyes kept going back to those stormy ones. The ones that were now looking straight into mine.
After getting shamelessly caught I forced myself to look at a particular spot on screen. A chuckle came from behind making my entire body heat up, I heard the sound of his boots which stopped once he was behind me.
Placing one palm beside my elbow he leaned forward and started typing the mail. I turned my eyes to stop him but ended up getting captured by those mesmerising looks. His closeness and that scent was blocking little logic I had left. The only thing I could do was to place my hand besides his as he completed typing the email for me.
"Done", he whispered after sending the mail. "You can breath now ,Princess."
" I'm breathing," I argued but my voice came out small and shaky, making him chuckle. Feeling too embarrassed I kept looking at the keys and avoided meeting his gaze but he seemed to have some other ideas.
His fingers came beneath my chin and he lifted them gently.
"Look at me, Princess." he commanded and my eyes met his soft gaze. "I'm proud of you."
My stupid heart skipped a beat at those endearing words. Those words, the words that I've heard only few times in my lives. The words that I was craving to hear. All my hardwork felt worth it. His proud smile and shine in those grey eyes made it all feel even more special.
" You had a choice to spend your life comfortably without caring about those orphans. It wouldn't have effected your life but still you chose them. You just didn't provide them money or shelter but you the most special thing in the world. You have love. The love which most children don't get. "
His voice broke at the last words and I couldn't help but lean forward.
All my life everyone kept taunting me that I was pampered and spoiled brat. And maybe I was a spoiled princess at young age but I was just a kid. Yet, nobody thought like that.
That's why I had only one friend throughout my life. I was delusional enough to think that just because I'm a Princess I'll have many friends but in the end Shravani was the only one who remained loyal to me.
I tried. Really hard to be nice to everyone but they just ignored me. They kept telling that I was given everything in plater and I never had to work for anything.
They were right maybe my life was easier then most but I had my own struggles. And I tried my best to help everyone with all I had but nobody seemed to notice that.
A tear fell from my eyes remembering all those harsh words the whole society told me.
He rubbed his thumb to wipe my tear. "Is this a happy tear?"
I chuckled at him ," I'm happy. Finally nobody will tell me that I don't do anything and just sit home all day".
He frowned at those words," Who told you that?"
I just shrugged in reply," Everybody says that. You're a Princess. You have never faced any hurdles in life. You're lucky. And I don't care about anyone. I try my best to not be affected by them but sometimes I just can't handle it."
"They don't know you",he replied cupping my face into his big hands and making me look straight into his eyes. " They know nothing about you. Next times those things comes to your mind just remember about the children at orphanage. You're their angel. The person they love the most. "
I smiled just by remembering about them. All these things were for them. Now they'll get the future they deserve.
"Thank you", I smiled at him. "You have no idea what your words mean to me".
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