"So, you're going on a date?" Shravani teasingly asked as I told her about the talk with my father.
The topic of marriage has already made me furious enough and this girl was just rubbing salt on that.
Even though meeting any man was the last thing on my list I had no other option. That orphanage is the first step towards my dream and I'll do anything to fulfil it, even if it means going on a date with a stranger.
My father's reaction alone has given me shock, the thought about telling him everything was running on my mind for a long time but I never had the guts to do it. And when I did I was so sure that he'll laugh at me or completely dismiss my idea. But he didn't.
Now, the only new challenge was to deal with the new bodyguard which my father will appoint soon.
And not to forget the dates he had planned.
This time he had come up with not one but two new gogglies for me.
"Baw," Guddu barked and I realised that I had stopped patting his back during my long thoughts .
"Sorry, Guddu." I continued to pat his back soothingly and he nuzzled into my lap .
"See, this monster is already taking all your attention," Shravani glared at the cute boy , in response Guddu barked at her loudly making her jump on her place and hide her face behind pillow. " I'm telling you he hates me."
"SS, it's nothing like that. Guddu loves everyone even Baba likes him," I assured her but she just continued to scowl.
"Anyways, it won't be that bad of an idea," Shravani placed her chin on her palm. "You're already 23 and have never been on a single date. After all those dates you'll finally lose your virginity."
Taking the pillow beside me I threw it right on her face, like the shameless person she is. The only response I got was a monstrous laughter.
"I'm not interested in any man right now. Not even interested in talking with them. My only focus is my career , nothing else."
"But it won't be a bad idea," Shravani said. "I mean what if he's nice and understanding."
I scoffed at her words," Yes, the men from Satviki can be nice and respected but none of them allow their wives to work. There are only a handful of women that work after marriage. The higher the status the lesser freedom women get."
That's what I have noticed till now. Educated, smart women left their whole career and dreams for some men. The whole Satviki society had control over everyone, even if a man wants to support his wife , he just can't without getting backlash from the society.
"You're wrong." Shravani 's words broke my thoughts. "Not all Satviki men are like that."
"And how do you know that?" I narrowed my eyes. "It's not like you know any of them. Or do you?"
Shravani started squirming in her place, making me feel even more suspicious.
I knew that she had been behind something from me. The way she started spending less time with me, always on her phone, giggling all the time but I never got time to ask her that openly. But now her words guided in only one direction.
"Are you with someone?" I asked slowly.
Shravani bit her lips and nodded her head gently.
A scream came from my throat making Guddu jump out of my lap, "Oh my god! I can't believe it. Are you in love? Who is that boy? What's his name? What does he look like? Tell me!"
Shravani closed her ears at the loud voice. Guess it doesn't matter if I'm princess or not, everyone likes to gossip.
"Ok JJ, I'm telling you. First calm down," she said and I settled in front of her and sat crossed leg. Guddu was already playing with the ball beside the bed.
Shravani took a deep breath and started telling everything. " So, we met two months ago at one of my father's friends' party. He's from our caste . We were just talking casually at first then he suddenly asked for my number."
My smile kept widening as she narrated her love story. I may not want to be involved with any man myself but that doesn't mean that I can be entertained by other's love stories. Shravani kept blushing throughout, this was the first type I saw her getting shy. My bold girl was behaving like some innocent angel.
"At first, I didn't give him but then he insisted alot so I asked for his instead. I didn't do anything with it for a week because I was too nervous," Shravani said with a shy smile on her face. "But then finally I got enough courage and I messaged him. Since then, we have been talking everyday."
I nodded my face with a teasing smile, Shravani hid her face into the pillow and groaned.
"Hey tell me more," I pulled her arm.
"That's it," she crossed her arms.
"So, you like him?" I raised my eyebrows in question.
Shravani nodded her head.
"But how do you know he's different from all the Satviki men?"
"Because I know it," Shravani confidently replied. "If you get to know him you'll also know. He's the nicest man you'll ever meet, so gentle and kind. He's like an angel."
"Ok, madam." I saluted her. "I'll believe you if you say but I don't I'll ever meet a guy like that, not in this life at least."
"Don't be so pessimistic," Shravani scolded. "What if you find someone of your dreams? Okay, just tell me what kind of guy do you want?"
I smiled as I thought about it. I think about this every single night, hoping that maybe I'll find someone who would have all the qualities I want.
"I want someone to support me, not just protect me. Someone to understand me, not just listen to me. Someone to love me, not just respect me. Who would care for me, trust me and treat me like I deserve," I completed and looked at Shravani , who was looking at me with a neutral face.
I raised her eyes in question but she didn't respond so I waved my hand in front of her.
"JJ, that's what every girl wants," Shravani said. "It's too dreamy and just too good to be true."
"But that's what I want," I pouted.
A knock on the door was heard and taking permission a guard entered.
"Rajkumari, Rana sa is calling you," the guard said.
I nodded my head and got up, kneeling beside Guddu. I patted his head," Guddu be a good boy and stay with Shravani Aunty."
"Did you just call me aunty?" She screamed as I walked out, I laughed loudly and showed her finger. She deserves it for behaving badly with my baby.
Baba greeted me with an extra big smile. I narrowed my eyes at him, he doesn't smile like that for no reason. There must be something going on.
The condition of the date was already making me nervous. I still haven't been able to handle that challenge. If something more comes to my life then God knows what I'll do.
"You called me," I stated my voice still holding harshness showing him that I'm upset with him
"I have good news for you", Baba said, his smile still not dimming.
"What?" I narrowed my eyes.
"You can start planning for your trip," he said.
It took me a minute to settle this new information in my mind. Did he just agree to let me go? The happiness started bubbling in my heart, after so long I'll be able to leave the palace for a long time and go somewhere far.
But then I remembered something, he will only let me go with a bodyguard, that means?
"I found a new bodyguard for you," he said and his eyes moved behind me and he raised his hand. "Meet you new bodyguard."
I followed the movement of his hand turned towards the door to see who the new bodyguard of mine was.
My eyes wide to the size of saucer and lips parted in disbelief. Universe was really against me these days. One after another problems were just not ending.
First the date with some random guys and now this, a new bodyguard.
That to a person like him.
The person I least expect to see.
And also the person that can cause more problems for me.
"Mr. Raghav."
My new bodyguard came forward in all his glory wearing the black suit assigned to every Bodyguard and his face lacked any sort of emotion until he saw me. A really small smirk grew on his lips, if I wasn't looking so intendly I would have missed it.
He remembers me.
That incident happened about a month ago, how can he still remember me?
Just like I remembered him.
For some reason I couldn't erase his face from my memory. The curiosity in those grey eyes and the cocky smile. Those expressions refused to leave my mind and kept haunting me. And now here the monster himself stood before me.
What if I just pretend that the incident never happened? Yes, that's the perfect solution. It's not like Baba will trust some bodyguard over his daughter. I'll behave like I never went into that forest.
Keeping my face neutral I stared at him then back at my father.
"Raghav meet Jaanki ,my daughter and the Princess of Jadeja family," My father said proudly. "And Jaanki, this is Raghav, your new bodyguard."
He gave me a small nod and looked away almost immediately. But I couldn't stop staring at him. He doesn't look like a bodyguard from any angle.
"Baba, I don't think he's appropriate to be my bodyguard," I complained.
I kept my voice polite so as to not hurt his feelings even though my words did that job. But I just couldn't accept some unprofessional bodyguard, having an unworthy bodyguard is as worse as having any bodyguard.
Finally he gave a glance, but he doesn't didn't show any anger or disappointment it was just a little surprise and amusement.
"Jaanu," my father hissed and pointed at Raghav who kept staring ahead with no expression.
"He doesn't even look like a bodyguard,"I voiced my thoughts ignoring the looks my father gave me. "Can he even fight? I don't think he can even protect himself then how will he protect me? I don't trust him. Just find another Bodyguard for me. "
"Jaanki Surya Prakash Jadeja," my eyes went wide at his tough voice, it wasn't everyday that he talked to me in that tone . I guess I went too far. " He's going to be your bodyguard and that's final. You have no say in it anymore. Just because he's a bodyguard doesn't mean you'll insult him. Treat him well otherwise I'll have to rethink about the promise I gave you."
Now there was nothing I could do so I nodded my head like an obedient Princess. My father was in his king mode so it's useless to think that he'll change his decision. I'll have to wait for the right moment.
One way or another I'm gonna fire him from this job.
"Rana sa, Thakur sa is here to meet you," a guard informed.
Baba nodded his head then turned towards Raghav with a smile," I have my faith in you, don't disappoint me. "
With that he left us alone. My fist clenched tightly to control my emotions. My father treated me like that, for a bodyguard. What's even special about him?
Finally he turned towards me and a full-blown smirk appeared on his face, it looked like he was controlling this for a long time. The mischief was clearly visible on his face.
"Princess? You're a Princess?" He asked while chuckling. " I thought you were some poor thief."
My fist almost raised to knock him down but then I remembered the plan I made.
"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes in confusion, pretending like I don't understand what he's saying.
"Which Princess steals clothes and bullies innocent man?" he said leaning closer, making me back away immediately.
I pointed my finger at him," I have no idea what you're talking about."
His smirk widened, making me even more furious, "So, you're saying you're not the person who stole my clothes a few weeks ago. On that white horse."
I immediately shook my head in 'no', again he laughed at my response and shook his head in disbelief. Then he nodded slowly , it seemed like he was actually enjoying making me furious.
"But that girl looked exactly like you," he further pushed.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I stood strong on my point and lifted my chin. "I'm a Princess, I would never do something like that."
"If you say so, Princess," he said. The way he said 'Princess' sounded like a mocking.
In a blink of an eye his face turned serious again, it felt like he went back into his bodyguard mode. All the mocking and laughs were gone.
" I know you've a problem with having a bodyguard. " He stared straight into my eyes. " But I need this job, so I'll do my best to protect you and keep you safe. And I want your cooperation. "
I rolled my eyes at those words. Cooperation,my foot.
" Why do you even need my cooperation? It's not like I can do anything in front of you. I'll have to behave according to you, not the other way around. "
" That's not true," he narrowed his eyes. " I'm your bodyguard, I work for you, I'm below you so obviously I'll work according to you. "
This is the first time any bodyguard has said this to me. I was shocked, beyond shocked. I wasn't expecting this answer from him. Was he really trying to be nice? Maybe he really needs this job.
He must be from a poor background that's why he's so desperate for this job. Maybe I should be a little considerant.
"Fine, we'll just cooperate with each other. " I guess it wouldn't be that bad to have him as my bodyguard. " Just don't bother me and let me do my work and I'll have no problem with you. "
With that I turned to leave and go back towards my room. " Why are you following me?" I asked as he started walking behind me.
"It's my job. " He shrugged.
"But inside the palace you don't need to follow me."
"Mr. Jadeja told me to not leave you alone ever",he said innocently.
Baba! Both these men are really testing my patience. I'm going to explode soon if this keeps happening.
This Raghav seems just like him, I guess that's why he chose him. Of course, he'll select someone like him.
" Why don't you just go to your room and take rest?" I fake smiled to get rid of him. " We'll meet tomorrow. It's already late night so I'm not going anywhere. "
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously," Can I really trust you, Princess?"
I nodded with a tight smile.

I don't trust her.
Not even a tiny bit.
She's a little devil that's for sure. The way she straight forward lied on my face was enough to prove it. Princess wasn't as sweet as she's pretending.
It's going to be tough to handle her but I'll have to get used to it because we're going to be together for a long time, very long time.
Taking a final glance at her room I moved towards my room which was on the ground floor along with other workers.
The room was of modest size. I looked at my luggage sitting at the corner of the room, opening the zipper I took the hidden phone inside it. My eyes met the secret box lying at the bottom I don't need it right now but soon I'll use it.
Unlocking the phone I dialled the number.
" I entered the palace successful. " I informed.
"Tell me about the next step," Laksh asked, answering the call and a second voice cut him off.
" Raghs, I'm here!"
It took me some time to recognize the voice. " Robin, what are you doing there? And when did you come back?"
" You know I can't stay away from you for a long time. I just came back a few hours ago," he said.
Now that Robin was back our plan would go easier. After Laksh if there was someone I trusted with my identity then it's Robin. Even though I've known him for only 4 years, that teenager managed to earn my trust with his amazing hacking skills.
"Robin, listen carefully, We need to search for that file. You'll have to get into the computer system. "
The first step was already taken by entering inside now I needed to take that file and exit quietly.
"But it would be tough to enter without any excess. If you could get the access through the main computer by any chance then it'll get easier," Robin said.
I thought about it for a moment," I'll try but it might take days as I'm still not aware of the place. "
Entering wasn't that hectic but from now on I'll have to be extremely careful. Even though I'm the bodyguard still people are going to be there to watch over us. It was obvious that Mr. Jadeja still didn't trust me fully even though he supported me.
I might be the bodyguard of Princess but still I was just a mere low class guard. It brought both advantage and disadvantage for me.
My thoughts went back to the person who came to meet Mr. Jadeja.
Thakur sa, that was the name. Could he be the same Thakur?
I closed my eyes to recollect the memories of that day.
" Mama! See my report card. I got 98%. I'm gonna show Dad."
Mama looked at me and smiled brightly. She took the report card in one hand and placed another one on my cheek.
" My Bacha, I'm really proud of you. " My smile went even wider if that was possible. " But your Dad is busy right now, you can show him after sometime. "
My lips curled downward at those words. I wanted to show Dad right now.
" Till then you can play with your little sister" That was enough to bring a smile to my face.
Running towards the bed I sat on it," How are you my baby?"
She giggled and started hitting her hands all around. Her chubby hands made contact with my face," Ouch! Bache you're hurting me!" She laughed even louder.
I played with her for a few minutes until she started crying, taking her to Mama. I left my sister with her and started going back to my room.
But as I passed through Dad's room curiosity got the best of me. I couldn't control myself from hearing their talk.
"Ravi, you are getting worried for nothing," a voice came which was followed by my father.
"It is something to be worried about. I'm not going to do anything illegal," Dad's voice came.
"Come on ,man. It's not like were harming anyone. It'll be just for few days than everything will be alright"
"No Thakur, you don't understand", the voice started fading and I opened my eyes .
Can both this Thakur be connected?
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